Angie and Her Baby Brother -
Todd Brandon
What's going through your mind as you lie there looking at your tiny brother for the first time?

Are you wondering why this brand new person is in your cradle in Mommy's and Daddy's room?

Why does he sleep so soundly, you question, as you try to arouse him from his own little world of dreams?

Do his tiny fingers feel funny to you? Are they so fragile you fear touching them? Why are his hands so tightly closed?

Why do you think he doesn't wake up as you run your curious fingers through his silky-soft hair?

Look at his arms, so frail! How will he ever be able to play catch with you?

Do you wonder if he has real eyes that open and close, and teeth too? What about ten little toes?

Can he eat with a spoon and drink from a cup, you ask? Must I share mine with him? What are you thinking about my little girl? Can you feel compassion for this baby who has come into this house to stay?

As he opens his sleepy eyes and looks at you, I see you smile with a look of acceptance and love.

My thoughts are answered!

                                   -  Author Unknown
To Todd With All My Love........
